My name is Rosa Marín Ribas.
I count with more than fifteen years of experience in designing for big and small companies.
I'm skilled in several crafts, including programming. But I'm specially confident at:
I live in Barcelona, Spain, in ahouse in the mountains.
Dr. med. D.Schmitz-Buchholz, Die mRNA-Therapie, Stand der Forschung, Chancen & Risken, August, 2021
Danko Taborosi, Brett Wallance, Vivre avec les aléas, Un guide des jeunes pour réduire les risques de catastrhophe dans les îles du Pacifique, IREI, 2021.
Hans De Wolf, Griet De Wolf, De gewervelde dieren: Wonderlijke feiten en ware verzinsels (Wonderlijke feiten & ware verzinsels). Borgerhoff & Lamberigts, 2019.
Nosil, P., J. Feder, S.M. Flaxman, and Z. Gompert. 2017. Tipping points in the dynamics of speciation.
Rüdiger R.*, M. Muschick*, D. Lindtke*, R. Villoutreix*, A.A. Comeault, T.E. Farkas, K. Lucek, E. Hellen, V. Soria-Carrasco, S.R. Dennis, C.F. de Carvalho, R.J. Safran, C.P. Sandoval, J.L. Feder, R. Gries, B.J. Crespi, G. Gries, Z. Gompert*, and P. Nosil. 2017. Transitions between phases of genomic differentiation during stick-insect speciation.
Comeault, A.A., S.M. Flaxman, R. Riesch, E. Curran, V. Soria-Carrasco, Z. Gompert, T.E. Farkas, M. Muschick, T.L. Parchman, T. Schwander, J. Slate, and P. Nosil. 2015. Selection on a genetic polymorphism counteracts ecological speciation in a stick insect.
«Stick Insect Genomes Reveal Natural Selection’s Role in Parallel Speciation» VVAA, Figures 1-3, Science, 16 May 2014, vol. 344 no.6185pp 738-742 DOI:10.1126/science.1252136.
Selection on a Genetic Polymorphism Counteracts Ecological Speciation in a Stick Insect,Current Biology, June 2015.
Evolution in Color: From Peppered Moths to Walking Sticks
by Carl Zimmer, National Geographic, October 2013.
Ecological effects of camouflage evolution in the stick insect Timema cristina
Técnicas quirúrgicas en las prácticas de fisiología animal
Teresa Pagés Costas; Josefina Blasco Mínguez; Rosa Marín Ribas;
Rosa Martos, Unitat d'Audiovisuals, Universitat de Barcelona D.L. 2001, VHS video
Desarrollo embrionario del SNC en humanos
OMADO (Objectes i materials docents) Mediateca - Docència
Evolución desde placa neural a médula espinal
OMADO (Objectes i materials docents) Mediateca - Docència
Diferenciación desde tubo neural a ventrículos
OMADO (Objectes i materials docents) Mediateca - Docència